Monday, August 19, 2019

عاااجل عاااجل الامارات تتحدى السعودية مجددا فى اليمن خطيييير جدااا

نَعِيبُ زَمَانَنَا وَالعَيْبُ فِينَا | مضى الصدق وأهل الصدق يا سعد قد مضوا

Kaftanka Siyaasada 168 oo xasaasi ah todobaadkani

Trump says he's not happy with Fox News ... then calls them 'we'

أخطر تصريحات ترامب الجديدة.. لا نحتاج لنفط وغاز دول الخليج وأصبحنا المنت...

شاهد ردود فعل السعوديين بعد ااعـ ـتـ ـداااء شبان على بائعة سعودية في جازان

عاااجل عاااجل العراق تدخل فى الازمه عراقى يزلزل ويلجم الحوثيين بعد الهجم...

���� بعد خسارة صنعاء وعدن.. لماذا جاء التحالف إلى اليمن؟

���� بعد خسارة صنعاء وعدن.. لماذا جاء التحالف إلى اليمن؟

Sunday, August 11, 2019

"Coldoon": Maxbuskii Geesiga isku bedeley

بادية المجانين (المزروب)

المياه والكلأ أهم أسباب ترحال بدو كردفان

Protests in Pakistan-administered Kashmir after India's move

Tear gas at Kashmir rally India denies happened - BBC News

Mosquitoes in Florida spreading a rare brain-infecting virus - TomoNews

���� الحكومة الشرعية تصف ما يجري في عدن بالانقلاب

���� ���� ���� التميمي: السعودية سلمت عدن للانفصاليين بمشاركة الإمارات

Court Grants El-Zakzaky Permission To Travel

عمرها 85 عاما.. زهية أكبر جزارة في المدبح: "شقيت علشان أعلم عيالي"

هكذا أضاع الملاكم مايك تايسون ثروته 400 مليون دولار وعاد إلى الفقر !

WARARKA: Natiijada baaritaanka dilki Yariisow, nooca doorashada 2020, Et...


Subxannal Gabar Ey Guurika Ku Heysato Daawo

لأول مرة.. السعودية تقصف القوات الانفصالية المدعومة من الإمارات في جنوب ...

نجاة المسلمين في النرويج من مجزرة مشابهة لما وقع في نيوزيلندا

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Biden: What has Trump done? He's poured fuel on the fire

Reporters Confronts Trump Over Case El Paso: ‘You and the Perpetrator Us...

Modi speech: Indian Prime Minister defends Kashmir decision

تصعيد عسكري في عدن.. ما أبعاد ذلك على الشرعية؟

آيه من القرأن لوقلتها شهدت لك الملائكة بسرعة الفرج واتاك الفرج في ساعتك ...

مؤثر جداً: الشيخ سلمان العودة يتحدث عن الرحيل ويتذكر أسرته ��

DEG DEG Heshiiska Farmaajo & Siyaasiinta, Bahdilaadda Muuse Suude & Mush...

DEG DEG: Kheyre oo eryay 37 Shaqaale, Biixi oo Xajka Sharuud ku xiray, C...

Daawo Muuqaalka Qaabka aay Ku Gashay Gudaha Xarunta Naagtii isqarxisay &...


Ali Harare oo soo bandhigay xog Soomaalida ay qariso "ogow runta"

إندونيسيا واكتشاف المجهول - 5 قبائل الباجاو

إيران والخليج.. دخول إسرائيل على الخط

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

رسائل الجمعة الـ24.. لا حوار ولا انتخابات في ظل العصابات


حقائق صادمة عن البانيا أكبر دولة مسلمه في قلب أوروبا ...اكبر مصدر للحشيش...


عاااجل عاااجل ايران تدعو السعودية جلوس للحوار وتدعوا دول الخليج لعقد تحا...

معلومات مهمة عن ايش تقدر تعمل ببقايا الطعام | خواطر 11

Madaxweynaha Somaliland Oo Shuruudo Ku Xidhay Boqorka Sucuudiga oo Xajka...

Scrambling onto trucks for a better life

Scrambling onto trucks for a better life

هل الفقر علامة على بغض الله لك؟! وهل الفقر سبب الجرائم || روائع د. محمد...

نشرة المساء 6 8 2019 Evening Newscast

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

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Kashmir 'Modi'fied, Congress Divided; Omar Abdullah, Mehbooba Mufti Rema...

They died shielding their infant son from gunfire

El Paso suspect allegedly cased Walmart before shooting: Police

Photo of mounted officers leading black man by rope sparks outrage

���� للعام الثالث.. حجاج قطر ممنوعون من أداء الفريضة

Why addressing mental illness isn’t enough to reduce gun violence

مسؤول سعودي بارز: لا نريد الاستمرار بحرب اليمن طويلا

Survivor recounts heroic way he drew shooter’s fire

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​Rich Man Kicks Out Poor Man, Instantly Regrets His Decision | Dhar Mann

CEO Talks Down to Janitor, Wife Teaches Him a Lesson | Dhar Mann

He was rejected because he was poor

سر الليالي العشر في سورة الكوثر #مع_الكحيل

فضل عشر ذى الحجة ... أعظم وأفضل 7 أعمال تفعلها فى هذه الأيام ~ لا تفرط فيها

هل تعرف ما هي أكثر الأماكن بغضا عند الله ويذهب جميع المسلمون إليها يوميا؟

بإلغائها حق الحكم الذاتي.. الهند تعيد أزمة كشمير للواجهة

Donald Trump blames the internet and video games for atrocities

Monday, August 5, 2019

هل تخلت #الإمارات عن حلفائها؟ .. بعد هجوم #الحوثيين على عدن وضرب العمق ا...

بعد تفجير معهد الاورام .. معتز مطر : لماذا تأخروا 16 ساعة فى وصفها بال...

���� ما وراء الخبر - هل تتحالف دول الخليج مع إيران؟

ما هي آخر رسائل الحوثي للسعودية والإمارات؟

"صباغة باغة" مهرجان سنوي لفن الشارع في الدار البيضاء

Isha Sesay - Highlighting Boko Haram’s Victims in “Beneath the Tamarind ...

هل يعبد الإيزيديون الشيطان حقا ولماذا؟

الحصاد - طرد "الحزام الأمني" للشماليين من عدن.. ما الخلفيات والدلالات؟

الحصاد - طرد "الحزام الأمني" للشماليين من عدن.. ما الخلفيات والدلالات؟

المسائية.. تحقيق "ميدل ايست اي": طائرات اماراتية نقلت 1000 مقاتل سوداني ...

���� ما وراء الخبر - هل تنفرج أزمة التصعيد في بالخليج؟

Sunday, August 4, 2019

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الشيخ سعد العتيق أفضل أيام الدنيا| العشر ذي الحجة 1

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كيف يهابك الناس و يتولاك الله من أجمل مقاطع الشيخ راتب النابلسي كلام يري...

لمن ابتلاه الله وتأخرت استجابة دعائه ولم تتحقق امنياته ~ مقطع إذا ضيعته ...

خذوها لحم ورموها عظم والآن تبكي دم كلااام في العضل د. عبدالعزيز الخزرج ا...

خذوها لحم ورموها عظم والآن تبكي دم كلااام في العضل د. عبدالعزيز الخزرج ا...

يهودي استهزأ بعيد الأضحى والمسلمين ... شاهد ماذا حدث له

قطاع طرق في المغرب يروعون المسافرين بين فاس وتطوان وتساؤلات: أين الأمن؟

Saturday, August 3, 2019

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تعليق #ياسين_اقطاي بعد فضح الفيسبوك لـ #مصر و #الامارات و #السعودية بتمو...

معلومات مهمة جدا جدا عن عقيدة الولاء والبراء لايفوتك المقطع د. عبدالعزيز...

El Paso witness: A kid ran into store to warn us of shooter and no one p...

عاااجل عاااجل الحوثيون يفاجئون السعودية والتحالف بهذه الصواريخ الجديده ب...

West Africa's New Currency: The End of France's dominance in AFRICA?

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{كشف حمادة}(36) عائض.. و القرني

المهمة المستحيلة داخل تل أبيب .. كيبورك يعقوبيان { الحلقة الأولى }

اخطر جاسوس داخل منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية .. عدنان ياسين { الحلقة الثانية }

اليوم الذي هاجمت فيه إسرائيل أميركا

الحكومة الأردنية تغلق مقام النبي هارون بعد انتشار فيديو لسياح يؤدون طقوس...

إيران تفتح باب الحوار أمام السعودية

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معسكرات الإيغور القسرية

موسم جني الثمار في قرية الباسوطة بريف حلب

Friday, August 2, 2019

A Different Kind of Force—Policing Mental Illness | NBC Left Field

Itoobiya waxeey ku socotaa wadadii burburka, ee soomaalida ha toosto SH ...

تعليق مهم لكل مسلم حول العالم بعد منع الحلال والرموز الإسلامية في الصين!

How Rwanda is Becoming the Singapore of Africa

█ حياة الناس هي صورة لما في قلوبهم █

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كشمير || Trip To Kashmir

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Thursday, August 1, 2019

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The dark history of "gasoline baths" at the border

Cop Tases 65-Year-Old Woman in Traffic Stop Gone Wrong

Principles of Islam - Attributing Good to Other than Allah!

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���� بلا حدود - مصطفى بن جعفر.. المشهد التونسي بعد رحيل السبسي

Trump: 'The Democrats are clowns'

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U.S. accuses Myanmar military of 'planned and coordinated' Rohingya atrocities

World News
September 24, 2018 / 10:46 PM / 10 months ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. government investigation has found that Myanmar’s military waged a “well-planned and coordinated” campaign of mass killings, gang rapes and other atrocities against the Southeast Asian nation’s Rohingya Muslim minority.
FILE PHOTO: A Myanmar soldier patrols in a boat at the Mayu river near Buthidaung in the north of Rakhine state, Myanmar September 13, 2017. REUTERS/Stringer
The U.S. State Department report, which was released on Monday, could be used to justify further U.S. sanctions or other punitive measures against Myanmar authorities, U.S. officials told Reuters.
But it stopped short of describing the crackdown as genocide or crimes against humanity, an issue that other U.S. officials said was the subject of fierce internal debate that delayed the report’s rollout for nearly a month.
The report, which was first reported by Reuters, resulted from more than a thousand interviews of Rohingya men and women in refugee camps in neighboring Bangladesh, where almost 700,000 Rohingya have fled after a military campaign last year in Myanmar’s Rakhine State.
“The survey reveals that the recent violence in northern Rakhine State was extreme, large-scale, widespread, and seemingly geared toward both terrorizing the population and driving out the Rohingya residents,” according to the 20-page report. “The scope and scale of the military’s operations indicate they were well-planned and coordinated.”
Survivors described in harrowing detail what they had witnessed, including soldiers killing infants and small children, the shooting of unarmed men, and victims buried alive or thrown into pits of mass graves. They told of widespread sexual assault by Myanmar’s military of Rohingya women, often carried out in public.
Myanmar government spokesman Zaw Htay declined to comment when reached on Tuesday and said he was unable to answer questions by telephone.
Calls to military spokesman Major General Tun Tun Nyi were unanswered.
One witness described four Rohingya girls who were abducted, tied up with ropes and raped for three days. They were left “half dead,” he said, according to the report.
Human rights groups and Rohingya activists have put the death toll in the thousands from the crackdown, which followed attacks by Rohingya insurgents on security forces in Rakhine State in August 2017.


The results of the U.S. investigation were released in low-key fashion - posted on the State Department’s website - nearly a month after U.N. investigators issued their own report accusing Myanmar’s military of acting with “genocidal intent” and calling for the country’s commander-in-chief and five generals to be prosecuted under international law.
The military in Myanmar, previously known as Burma, where Buddhism is the main religion, has denied accusations of ethnic cleansing and says its actions were part of a fight against terrorism.
U.S. Senior State Department officials said the objective of the investigation was not to determine genocide but to “document the facts” on the atrocities to guide U.S. policy aimed at holding the perpetrators accountable. The report, however, proposes no new steps.
One of the officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said it would be up to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo whether to make such a “legal” designation in the future and did not rule out the possibility.
A declaration of genocide by the U.S. government, which has only gone as far as labeling the crackdown “ethnic cleansing,” could have legal implications of committing Washington to stronger punitive measures against Myanmar. This has made some in the Trump administration wary of issuing such an assessment.
The International Criminal Court last week said it had begun an examination of whether the alleged forced deportations of Rohingya could constitute war crimes or crimes against humanity.
Asked whether the new U.S. findings could be used to bolster such international prosecution, the State Department official said no decision had been made on seeking “judicial accountability” over the Rohingya crisis.
The Trump administration, which has been criticized by human rights groups and some U.S. lawmakers for a cautious response to Myanmar, could now face added pressure to take a tougher stand.
Sarah Margon, director of the Washington office of Human Right Watch, said: “What’s missing now is a clear indication of whether the U.S. government intends to pursue meaningful accountability and help ensure justice for so many victims.”
The United States on Monday announced it was almost doubling its aid for displaced Rohingya Muslims in Bangladesh and Myanmar, with an extra $185 million.
“The stories from some refugees show a pattern of planning and pre-meditation,” the report said, citing the military’s confiscation in advance of knives and other tools that could be used as weapons.
About 80 percent of refugees surveyed said they witnessed a killing, most often by military or police, according to the report.
“Reports of mutilation included the cutting and spreading of entrails, severed limbs or hands/feet, pulling out nails or burning beards and genitals to force a confession, or being burned alive,” the report said.
Later on Monday, the Public International Law and Policy Group, a Washington-based human rights law firm contracted by the State Department to conduct the refugee interviews, issued a companion report saying it provided 15,000 pages of documentation of “atrocity crimes.”
The State Department’s investigation was modeled on a U.S. forensic examination of mass atrocities in Sudan’s Darfur region in 2004, which led to a U.S. declaration of genocide that culminated in sanctions against the Sudanese government.
Any stiffer measures against Myanmar authorities could be tempered, though, by U.S. concerns about complicating relations between civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, and the powerful military which might push Myanmar closer to China.
The U.S. government on Aug. 17 imposed sanctions on four military and police commanders and two army units but Myanmar’s military chief, Min Aung Hlaing, was spared. Further targeted sanctions have been under consideration, officials said earlier.
Min Aung Hlaing made his first public comments since the U.N. report in a military-run newspaper on Monday, saying that Myanmar abided by U.N. pacts but “countries set different standards and norms” and outsiders have “no right to interfere”.
The Rohingya, who regard themselves as native to Rakhine state, are widely considered as interlopers by Myanmar’s Buddhist majority and are denied citizenship.
Reporting By Matt Spetalnick and Jason Szep; Editing by Alistair Bell and Michael Perry

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