Friday, March 25, 2011

Zimbabwe MDC minister Theresa Makoni 'fears arrest'

File picture of Elton Mangoma, Zimbabwean Energy Minister  
MDC minister Elton Mangoma has been arrested for the second time this month
One of the ministers in charge of Zimbabwe's police has told the BBC she is in hiding for fear she would be arrested as part of a state plot.
Theresa Makone is from the MDC, which joined President Robert Mugabe and his Zanu-PF party in a unity government in 2009 after years in opposition.
She said that Zanu-PF wants to stop her and other MDC MPs voting in next week's election for a speaker of parliament.
Tension is again rising in Zimbabwe ahead of possible elections this year.
Ms Makone said she had been told that another MP and Lovemore Moyo, the former speaker of parliament, also faced arrest.
Zimbabwe's Energy Minister Elton Mangoma was earlier arrested for a second time this month.
The 2008 election of Mr Moyo as speaker of parliament was nullified by the Supreme Court two weeks ago, following a complaint by a Zanu-PF official.
Ms Makone accuses Zanu-PF and their allies in the security forces of trying to prevent MDC MPs from voting, to ensure their candidate wins the new election.
Both the MDC and Zanu-PF are locked in a tight battle to control parliament.
BBC Southern Africa correspondent Karen Allen says the balance of power lies with a smaller faction of the MDC, whose members are being courted by all sides.

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