Sunday, May 22, 2011

Stubborn donkeys expose man's infidelity

Monday, 23rd May 2011

By Steven Issack
Residents of Burumba estate in Busia Town were treated to an intriguing drama when a woman discovered her sick husband's cheating ways. Stella was found hammering her husband by villagers and accused him of infidelity. But it is only when she narrated how she unearthed the evidence of her cheating husband that her story became amusing. Her husband Sitawa owned some donkeys, which he used to fetch water for domestic purposes daily.
Sitawa used his donkeys to carry water to his wife Stella and also his girlfriend named Achieng who resides in the village along the road to the river. Sitawa had been having the affair for long without Stella noticing. He would first fetch water for his girlfriend and then proceed home to Stella. He used this trick without his wife knowing until the donkeys learnt of the habit. The donkeys were used to going to Sitawa’s girlfriend first before taking the route to Stella’s house.
When Sitawa fell sick, he couldn’t go for water and Stella had to embark on the chore. On the fateful morning, she drove the donkeys to the river. On the return journey, the asses led her to the secret. The donkeys turned as usual and went straight to Achieng’s homestead. Stella struggled to stop them but they were stubborn and went into the compound.
Something wrongThe donkeys thought it’s not right to go straight on without stopping at the homestead. Stella knew something was wrong. She gave up and followed the donkeys, which stopped right outside Achieng’s house.
On hearing the usual noise from the donkeys, Achieng’ came out and asked the whereabouts of her husband. Stella was shocked at the question and she too asked Achieng’ who was her husband.
Achieng’ insisted Sitawa was her husband to the consternation of Stella. There was no time for more questions as Stella left the donkeys and rushed home.
She found Sitawa lying in bed and jumped on him with blows and kicks. An argument ensued and once Stella demanded to know who was Achieng’, Sitawa immediately knew the donkeys had led her there.
Stella beat up her husband and threw him out of the bed, as he didn’t have much energy to defend himself. He started screaming for help and neighbours rescued him before taking him to hospital.


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