Sunday, June 5, 2011

Wife snatcher leaves trail of evidence

Updated 9 hr(s) 13 min(s) ago

By Kenan Miruka
A matatu driver caught red handed with a watchman’s wife fled to safety while naked leaving all his belongings.
Villagers in Sameta said the night guard in Ogembo town had been told of his wife’s escapades with an unknown man while he is away. At first he dismissed the talk.
His wife usually prepared supper for him before 5.45pm since his job required he reports at 6.30pm and leave at 7am.
Locals said the driver used to arrive under the cover of darkness armed with cakes, bread, eggs and occasionally roast meat.
Initially, he would spend an hour or two before returning to his single room in the vicinity but later started spending nights in the guard’s house.
Last week, the guard decided to sneak back home to catch some sleep after going for days on end without proper sleep.
He asked a colleague working at a nearby shop to watch for him as he excused himself to check out on a matter back home.
He accessed his compound using a rear gate, checked on his one cow at the shed before heading to the main house.
He knocked on the door unaware what was transpiring in the house. No answer came from the first knock so he made the second and third.
"Who is this knocking on my house this early?" shouted the wife as she enquired who was at the door.
Angry, the man shook the latch on the door with force as he ordered the wife to open.
Bolting outSuddenly, he heard some movement in the house before the bedroom window was flung open. As he rounded the house to check what was happening, he saw a silhouette bolt out at top flight towards the fence.
Using his flashlight, he saw a naked man jump over the fence and disappear into his neighbour’s banana farm. He made as if to chase after him but changed his mind and entered the house.
The shocked wife tried to defend herself saying nobody was in the house but the incensed guard descended on her with kicks and blows.
Her wails attracted neighbours.
"I just saw a man get out of my house through the window and yet you deny it? I will teach you a lesson," swore the angry watchman.
When his cousins arrived, they calmed him down and advised him to conduct a search in the house if the man was naked.
And to his utter consternation, the driver’s uniform and tattered open shoes were found on a stool by the bed in the guard’s house.
A closer check revealed a wallet containing a driving licence and other documents belonging to the well-known driver in the village.
A debate ensued on what should be done with the driving licence with some suggesting that it be handed to the area assistant chief.
Meanwhile, the wife escaped to her ancestral home. It was not clear whether the man reconciled with his wife.

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