Friday, May 5, 2017

Syrian father bites his baby daughter to death


A baby girl is killed by the fangs of her father. (Photo courtesy: Social media)
A nine month old Syrian baby girl died of fatal bites at the hands of her own father.
The man killed his daughter Dalal "without mercy" in a terrible crime that shook the area of Jaramana in Damascus a few days ago, Syrian social media pages shared the story.
Syrians shouted their reactions to the tragic story, "those who do not die by bullets die of madness!"
Family crimes and the conditions of the war left its aftershock on the psychology of Syrians.
This crime, published by the Jaramana News Network on its Facebook page, is not the only story but it is the first of its kind in its brutality.
For the first time, a baby girl is killed by the fangs of her father. Dalal’s father 37 year old fanatic is known for being highly prejudiced about girls and considered them a source of shame.
The crime took place on April 24th when the mother sensed that her daughter was in imminent danger in the arms of her father.
The mother left to her neighbor's house to seek help and went back to find her child’s bruised dead body.
The child was then transferred to Al-Radi Hospital in Jaramana, where it was clear that she had died because of this brutality.
The Internal Security Forces were immediately summoned to the center of Jaramana, as well as the head of the prosecution authority, who took over the interrogation of the offender and his wife in custody.

Last Update: Thursday, 4 May 2017 KSA 19:21 - GMT 16:21 

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