Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Most Germans against Iran attack: Poll

Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:1PM GMT
A new poll finds most Germans are against their country's participation in a possible Israeli attack against Iran's nuclear facilities.

A total of 1,500 German adults responded to the poll conducted by Emnid Institute via phone between November 27-30, 2011.

The results were made public on January 5, 2012.

Asked whether Germany should take sides with Israel in case of a Tel Aviv attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, 83 percent of respondents said Germany should not support Israel if it attacks Iran while 16 percent said Berlin must support Israel.

Similar polls have been conducted in many Western countries in recent months with the main question being a possible attack on Iran's nuclear facilities by Israel or the United States.

In most cases, the majority of respondents have asked their governments to remain neutral in the event of such an attack.

The polls can also be a sign of covert plots concocted against Iran by those countries.


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