Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Slow response to East Africa famine 'cost 'lives'

A severely malnourished Somali child at a refugee camp in Dadaab, Kenya - July 2011  
The US government says 29,000 children under five years old died between May and July 2011
Thousands of needless deaths occurred from famine in East Africa last year because the international community failed to heed early warnings, say two leading British aid organisations.
Oxfam and Save the Children say it took more than six months for aid agencies to act on warnings of imminent famine.
Between 50,000 and 100,000 people died in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia.
The agencies say governments, donors, the United Nations and NGOs need to learn from the mistakes.
In a report titled 'A Dangerous Delay', the agencies say a culture of risk aversion stalled a large-scale aid effort.
They say part of the problem was that the governments of Kenya and Ethiopia were unwilling to admit the scale of the disaster, but also that aid agency staff felt they had seen the problem many times before.
"Many donors wanted proof of a humanitarian catastrophe before acting to prevent one," the report says.
"Sophisticated early warning systems first forecast a likely emergency as early as August 2010, but the full-scale response was not launched until July 2011."
By that time it says, "malnutrition rates in parts of East Africa had gone far beyond the emergency threshold and there was high profile media coverage of the crisis".
'Grotesque situation' At one stage during the famine the United Nations estimated that 10 million people were in need of humanitarian assistance.
Hundreds of thousands of refugees went to camps in search of food, especially those from parts of Somalia where government forces have been fighting Islamist al-Shabab rebels.
The report calls on all parties to take crisis warnings more seriously.
"All members of the international system must improve their ability to prevent the worst effects of hunger crises before they happen," it says.
"In particular, national governments must fulfil their responsibilities to people caught up in crises and demonstrate leadership."
"The scale of death and suffering, and the financial cost, could have been reduced if early warning systems had triggered an earlier, more substantial response."
In the report, Oxfam and Save the Children looked at their own role in the crisis as well as that of other agencies.
"We all bear responsibility for this dangerous delay," said Oxfam's Chief Executive, Barbara Stocking.
"It is shocking that the poorest people are still bearing the brunt of a failure to respond swiftly and decisively."
Save the Children's Chief Executive, Justin Forsyth, said clear warnings had been ignored.
"We can no longer allow this grotesque situation to continue; where the world knows an emergency is coming but ignores it until confronted with TV pictures of desperately malnourished children," he said.


This is a searingly honest report. The agencies admit warnings from a purpose built system that combines satellite imagery with on the ground reporting were not taken seriously enough.
More than six months after those original warnings, when the famine had already taken hold, Oxfam and Save the Children declared the crisis their top priorities. So what went wrong?
Partly it was because the governments of Kenya and Ethiopia were unwilling to underline the scale of the disaster, but partly it was because aid agency staff on the ground failed to persuade others in the agency of the urgency of the crisis.
The openness in the report is refreshing, but how will the international community respond if aid agencies in future call for help, only to find they have overestimated the scale of a problem?
Will they not be accused of scare-mongering to increase the revenues of their organisations? It's a difficult balance to get right.

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