Saturday, March 31, 2018

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‘I Do Not Feel Free’: The Women Trapped in Domestic Work in Egypt

News Deeply

They hear about the abuse and know they will be working illegally, but young women still travel to the Middle East to work as domestic workers. To help understand why, photojournalist Jihad Abaza documented the lives of three migrant women working for a family in Egypt.
Written by Jihad Abaza Published on Read time Approx. 6 minutes
Sophie 41
Domestic workers are excluded from Egypt’s labor law, which means they have no social, health or legal protection. Rose, who is from Indonesia, has been working in Egypt for four years and has not seen her family at all during that time.Jihad Abaza
CAIRO – Linda* has missed two of her sisters’ weddings. She has not seen her nephews grow up. When she speaks to her father on a video call, she notices that he is aging, and she hopes he doesn’t die before she can see him again. She has been away from him and the rest of her family for six years, ever since she left the Philippines to work as a nanny in Egypt.
The day she left, Linda, who comes from an underprivileged family in the Philippine province of Nueva Ecija, told her parents she was just going to the capital, Manila, in search of a job – she didn’t want them to worry or try to talk her out of her decision. She boarded a plane on a journey that took her to Hong Kong, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates and, finally, Egypt, where a family was waiting to hire her as one of their domestic workers.
Linda helps the family’s children with their studying. She and the other women who work in the house have a nuanced relationship with the kids whom they take orders from, but also have to raise. “If the kids do something wrong or disrespectful, I am held responsible,” Linda says. (Jihad Abaza)

Linda found out about the job from a friend of hers who had married an Egyptian man with a recruitment agency. She was told that domestic workers from the Philippines and Indonesia were more highly valued in Egypt than those from other countries. Members of the Facebook group Maids and Nannies in Egypt say Asian domestic workers usually get a monthly wage of around 5,000-6,000 Egyptian pounds ($650-$350), 2,000 Egyptian pounds more than domestic workers from Africa.
“I do not feel free,” Linda says. “I want privacy. … When I am with the family, I have to behave in a certain way. I can’t laugh too loud or speak too much.” (Jihad Abaza)

Recent cases of nannies and maids being mistreated, assaulted and even killed by their employers in the Middle East have shone a light on the often hidden and unregulated world of domestic workers. But the promise of a decent wage continues to draw young women from Asia and Africa to work in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt. In many cases, the women are working illegally, which means they have little protection if they are abused by their employers.
From left: Rose, Linda and Maria cook dessert together for the family. Linda says one of the few things that makes the job more bearable is the company of the other women. She and Rose, especially, have gotten close over the years. (Jihad Abaza)

Driven by Poverty and Desperation

Linda came to Egypt on a tourist visa, which has since expired. On her flight into the country, she was accompanied by a cousin of her friend’s husband. When they arrived at Egyptian border control, they told the officer that she was the man’s fiancee. “This made me feel a bit better since that way, [border control] would have less suspicion about trafficking. A woman who came before me was detained in the airport for five days because police suspected she was coming here to work illegally,” Linda says.
A few months ago, Maria was working in Abu Dhabi, but left to join her sister in Egypt. They now work in the same household, but in different parts of the house. “I get to see [my sister] during lunch,” Maria says. “I am stronger because she is here with me, and she is stronger because I am here with her.” (Jihad Abaza)

Maysa Ayoub, the head of the Center for Migration and Refugee Studies at the American University in Cairo, says, “Immigration to Egypt is restricted to protect the local labor market from foreign competition.”
Obtaining work permits for migrant domestic workers is “close to impossible,” Ayoub says. “Overpopulation and high level of unemployment have made Egypt adopt encouraging emigration policies and strict immigration policies in an attempt to ease pressure on the local labor market and alleviate poverty.” As a result, most people who come from abroad to work as nannies, cooks and cleaners do not have work visas or official residency paperwork.
Maria has spent so long working in the Middle East, she has barely met her grandchildren. At Christmas, her family asked her why she was not there with them. “I am doing this for you,” she told them. (Jihad Abaza)

Because so many domestic workers are in Egypt without legal documentation, there are no statistics on how many domestic workers there are in the country. But it is known that those who do come to work in Egypt can experience the same type of mistreatment that their colleagues in other Arab countries go through. Domestic workers are excluded from Egypt’s labor law, which means they have no social, health or legal protection.
In response to increased reports about the mistreatment of migrant domestic workers, several countries have tried to stop their citizens from taking domestic labor jobs in the Middle East. Indonesia in 2015 banned its citizens from working as maids in 21 countries (the list included Egypt). And the Philippines temporarily prohibited workers from going to Kuwait after the body of a Filipina worker was found in a freezer in an abandoned Kuwait City apartment. The Philippines government recently reached an agreement with Kuwait to regulate working conditions for domestic labor.
Rose has her meals sitting on a stool in the corner of the kitchen. Her mother passed away two years ago, but she was unable to attend the funeral due to work obligations. Now her father is ill and her employers have agreed to let her return home for good at the end of March. (Jihad Abaza)

But workers from abroad continue to move to the Middle East for jobs, driven by poverty and desperation.

Bird in a Cage

Linda and two other women – Maria, also from the Philippines, and Rose, from Indonesia – now work in a mansion in the suburbs of Cairo, for a wealthy Egyptian family. A typical working day usually starts as early as 5 a.m. and ends at midnight or later. The three women spend their time catering to the wants and needs of the family’s five children, who think their parents “bought” the maids. When the day is over, the women sleep on mattresses in the children’s or the grandparents’ rooms, in case they need anything in the middle of the night. There are no days off, and there is no going out unless it is to accompany the family somewhere.
Passport confiscation is also a common practice among employers, one that Linda, Maria and Rose have all been subjected to in their time as domestic workers.
Linda rests her head on the table as she and Rose take a short break in the kitchen. Linda says she wants to escape, just like Hana, a Filipina woman who was working for the same household and escaped while the family was on vacation. Rose teases her, saying that Linda would get stuck trying to climb the walls surrounding the mansion. (Jihad Abaza)

Linda says her employers are “OK” – they treat her better than their other domestic workers. Still, her job is physically and emotionally taxing, and she often feels she is “stuck.” But at the same time, she has grown to love the children she cares for.
“I feel lonely,” she says. The job leaves her with no opportunity to socialize, and being away from the Philippines for so long means she has drifted apart from many of her old friends.
“It’s like I am a bird and I am in a cage, you know?” she says. “The owners of the bird might be great. They might be taking care of it. But it’s still in a cage.”
*The names of some women have been changed to protect their identities.

Nowhere Safe for ‘Dirty’ Money After Sex Workers’ Bank Closes in Mumbai

Sangini Cooperative Bank was the only financial institution in Mumbai to offer sex workers access to savings and credit. Now that the bank has closed, the women are left with only two options: hide their money or risk losing it to moneylenders and con men.
Written by Puja Changoiwala Published on Read time Approx. 6 minutes
Sangini cooperative bank centre shop which is shut was the first such bank in mumbai and was the second such effort in the country which aimed at providing financial inclusion to sex workers
For the 10 years it was open, Sangini Cooperative Bank (center) gave 5,000 sex workers access to savings, credit and insurance when no other bank would accept their money.Puja Changoiwala
MUMBAI, India – Dressed in a black, cotton nightgown, her lips painted a dark pink, 28-year-old Uzma* leans against a streetlamp in Mumbai’s Kamathipura, Asia’s second-largest red light district. The sex worker’s target for the day is six clients, which will make her 1,500 rupees ($23). The amount will cover her day’s basic expenses: daily rent to the owner of the brothel she works in and her food. The rest she will sew into a blouse she doesn’t use and hide it away in her trunk.
“Money needs to be hidden,” Uzma says. “In the past, clients have beaten me up after they learned I was hoarding cash, took the money and fled. Even my boyfriend tends to get violent and takes off with the money.”
It is only recently that Uzma has had to resort to hiding her money. Until a few months ago, every time she had a client, she would walk to the Sangini Cooperative Bank nearby and deposit her earnings into her account. Sangini bank, which got its name from the Hindi word for “friend” or “companion,” catered specifically to sex workers, offering them access to financial services when most conventional banks would turn them away.
But Sangini struggled to make money and was forced to close in November 2017. Now Uzma and 5,000 other sex workers in Kamathipura who used the bank are left with no place to store their “dirty” money.
“Most of these women were sold into sexual slavery by their relatives or pimps,” says Maya Lama, 57, an activist working with sex workers in Kamathipura.
“They do not have birth certificates, school leaving certificates or proof of residence – documents that are required to open bank accounts in India. Worse, regular banks have asked us to keep sex workers away since other customers protest against banking with them.”
Sangini, which launched in Mumbai in 2007, was only the second bank of its kind in the country, following a similar initiative in Kolkata. The bank let sex workers open accounts with no minimum deposit requirement and offered savings accounts to homeless girls. It had a small staff of 10 volunteers, also sex workers in Kamathipura, and three or four collection agents, who would visit brothels to pick up deposits from account holders.
“Collection agents made all the difference,” says Shilpa Merchant, former national coordinator of the Washington D.C.-based NGO Population Services International, which initially funded Sangini.
Many sex workers are not allowed to leave their brothels until they have paid back the amount their madams spent on “purchasing” them, a goal made almost impossible as madams add rent, food and electricity bills to what the women owe. “The numbers keep spiralling. It’s years before the women are able to repay the amount and leave the brothels,” Merchant says. “With no access to the outside world, collection agents became saviors for the women.”

More Than a Bank

When Sangini first opened, Merchant says they hoped to have at least 150 accounts registered during the first year. By the end of the first day, they had already registered more than 100.
“It was more than a bank,” says Mumzura Bibi, 40, a commercial sex worker who had an account with Sangini for eight years.
“There were instances when women would get arrested for illegal soliciting, and bank employees would withdraw money from their accounts, bail them out. They’d even come to hospitals to deliver money whenever a woman was in need. They also counseled us in money management [and] issues pertaining to our sexual health.”
A sex worker hides her face from the camera in one of the bylanes of Kamathipura in south-central Mumbai, Asia’s second-largest red light district. (Puja Changoiwala)

Riziya Thakur, 35, was trafficked to Kamathipura from Kolkata nine years ago. With the money she saved in her Sangini account, she bought a house and a few acres of farmland for herself and her three children.
“The bank let me save my money, and secure my children’s future,” she says. “Now, with nowhere to keep the money, I pay daily installments to a moneylender. And the rest I end up spending as it comes.”
Anjali Desai, who worked as Sangini’s bank manager from 2012 until the bank closed, says most sex workers are in debt, owing money to pimps, brothel runners and moneylenders who charge them interest rates as high as 100 percent. The bank, she says, helped the women save the little money they had and make 3 percent interest on their savings.
“There was a 62-year-old sex worker who arranged money for her son’s wedding through her savings. There was another who could pay thousands of rupees in doctor fees for her heart ailment because she had savings with the bank. Now, they’re stitching up the cash in their clothes and pillow covers,” Desai says.
Initially backed by Population Services International for two years, Sangini shut for three months in 2009 when it ran out of funding. Then the India 800 Foundation, a Delhi-based NGO supported by the Ethnic Minority Foundation, U.K. stepped in and the bank opened again.
But it proved unsustainable as a business. One month’s running costs would eat up almost a year’s worth of profits. The bank also lost a substantial amount when it offered interest-free loans to the women around five years ago, many of which were never paid back. In mid-2017, the foundation withdrew its support and the bank had to cease operations. (The Kolkata bank, which is run entirely by sex workers, is still open.)
“We sent out tens of proposals to garner funds for the bank, but no donor was forthcoming. The moment we mentioned sex workers, they would walk away,” says Narayan Hegde, chairman of India 800 and trustee of Sangini.

No One They Can Trust

Originally launched by HIV awareness activists who realized day-to-day survival was a bigger concern for sex workers than contracting the disease, the bank quickly became a route to financial inclusion for part of the population that is overlooked by government policy. In 2014, the Indian government started the Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana to ensure everyone affordable access to financial services like banking, credit and insurance. According to the government’s progress report, as of the second week of March, women made up more than half of the scheme’s 313.4 million beneficiaries.
But Hegde says the benefits often don’t extend to sex workers since those women don’t have the documents needed to open bank accounts. And many of those who do have the requisite identification aren’t even aware the scheme exists.
“Several of them are not comfortable visiting regular banks since they don’t feel welcome there,” Hegde says.
After Sangini bank shut, Asha Rai, who has spent three and a half decades as a sex worker, 
gave her money to a local postman for safekeeping. He soon disappeared, taking her life savings with him. (Puja Changoiwala)
With nowhere to put their earnings, Kamathipura’s sex workers have no choice but to hide their money or entrust it to someone else, making themselves vulnerable to fraudsters. Asha Rai, 55, has spent three and a half decades in the profession. After the bank shut last year, Rai, like other sex workers, was handed all her savings. Since she doesn’t have a permanent home, she was clueless as to where to store her money. She decided to give the cash to a postman working in the area for safe keeping. Soon after, he disappeared with all of her money.
“Tens of women had trusted the postman with their money, and all of them ended up getting duped. We approached the police, but they couldn’t find him,” Rai says.
“I’ve been pushed back 40 years – every penny I’d made was lost. The bank was one of the few entities sex workers could trust.”
*Names have been changed to protect identities.

About the Author

Puja Changoiwala

Puja Changoiwala is a Mumbai-based independent journalist and author.

DOLE open to total ban on Middle East maids

philstar Global
If there is no memorandum of agreement between our country and the accepting countries, then it is foolhardy to deploy our workers overseas because they will not be protected,” Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III said.
Joven Cagande

Mayen Jaymalin (The Philippine Star) - March 28, 2018 - 12:00am
MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) supports Senate Resolution No. 676 seeking a total ban on the deployment of Filipino household service workers (HSWs) in countries not providing similar rights and work conditions as their nationals.
“If there is no memorandum of agreement between our country and the accepting countries, then it is foolhardy to deploy our workers overseas because they will not be protected,” Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III said.
Bello said the DOLE will not hesitate to stop deployment in countries not giving enough protection to Filipino workers like what happened in Kuwait.
He said the DOLE and Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) are working closely to review existing bilateral agreements with countries employing Filipinos.

“The DOLE and the DFA met two weeks ago to study the template for new bilateral agreements to provide better protection for our workers,” Bello said.
Concerning the deployment ban in Kuwait, Bello said he is not inclined to recommend the lifting of the ban on domestic workers’ deployment even after the proposed agreement with Kuwait is signed in April.
The DOLE imposed a total deployment ban after the body of Filipina domestic helper Joanna Demafelis was found stuffed inside a freezer in an abandoned apartment in Kuwait.
The labor chief expressed hope that the agreement could provide better working conditions for Filipinos in Kuwait.
Bello said the deployment ban will be lifted only after the Kuwait government has ensured justice for the death of Demafelis.
Demafelis’ employers have been arrested, but are yet to be extradited to Kuwait.
“They have to face the consequences of their action, mere detention is not a penalty,” Bello said.
In the resolution last week, the deaths of Demafelis, Irma Avila Edloy and Josie Lloren, who all died due to abuse sustained while they worked as domestic helpers abroad, were cited to justify the call for total deployment ban of HSWs in some countries.
Bello said he sees no need to ban the deployment of domestic workers in all countries except for those that are not treating Filipinos fairly.


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Sunday, March 25, 2018

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أسوأ أسبوع في تاريخ فيسبوك مع خسارة بقيمة 58 مليار دولار

Askari Hubeysan oo ku soo biiray Ciidanka Qaranka Somaliland

Kenya In Ay Xudadaheena Kusoo Durugto Madaxda Ayay Kagadatay O Laalush B...

Galkacyo:-Shacabka Oo Codsaday In La Soo Daayo Dhalinaro Xidhxidhan

Qiso xanuun badan oo kadhacday xeryaha qaxotiga ee dadaab fadlan share g...

Cali Xaraare Sir Culus Fashifay Mooshinka G Jawaari Iyo RW Xasan Cali Kh...

Fashilka Mooshinkii Gud: Jawaari Iyo Xaalka Beledxaawo Iyo Damaca Kenya.

Farmaajo Raali Ayuu Kayahay Dhulboobka Kenya!? Shacab Iyo Madax Dal Aan ...

Robots Break New Ground in Construction Industry

[LIVE] A Guide For New Muslim - 20

WW3 India will 'DESTROY Pakistan and CRIPPLE China in two front nuclear...

Wife tied up and given 100 lashes by her own HUSBAND before mob sexually...

Former Playmate Says Trump Compared Her to Ivanka During Affair

الإعجاز العلمي القرآني و النبوي في فوائد قيام الليل ووقايته من الأمراض

Saturday, March 24, 2018


wareysi xiiso badan abwaan somaliyed oo duruufo adag ay xeryaha dadaabku...


Qaran toosin teeni qabiil maxaa u aneyay xukunkii qalaco aan bidnay ee...

مفاجأة في مستشفي الأمراض العقلية, مريض يلقي خطبة أفصح وأفضل من عدة مشائخ

صبايا الخير - ريهام سعيد | طفل كفيف عمره خمس سنوات حافظ القران الكريم كامل

أنظر ماذا فعل أردوغان عندما وجد هذا القارئ أمامه يتلوا القرأن بصوت مذهل!...



إرفعوا القبعات لهذا الرجل الذى قال الحق فى الملك سلمان وأولاد بن زايد ول...

المعارض السعودى سلطان العبدلى يكشف تفاصيل اتصاله الاخير بسلمان العودة ال...

Colon Cancer Can be Prevented and Treated

المعارض السعودى سلطان العبدلى يكشف تفاصيل اتصاله الاخير بسلمان العودة ال...


DEG DEG Turkiga oo ka hadlay mooshin ka - Farmaajo oo la kulmay jawaari ...


Aids Conspiracy is REAL 2018

The Origin of HIV Aids - The best documentary - Channel 4

DEG DEG Waalidka dhalay gabadhi HIV,da ku talaashay wilki bajaajleyda o ...

Friday, March 23, 2018

محاضرة بعنوان : سلامة الصدر للشيخ سعد العتيق بمحافظة رفحاء

The Importance of Self Knowledge

Life of an amputee in rural India

What's the relavance on Islam - Dr Aslam Abdullah Sermon at LMU University

الاتجاه المعاكس- السعودية.. إصلاح حقيقي أم مجرد تنفيس؟


درس هام رائع رائع رائع كن بشوش الوجه محمد راتب النابلسي

Daawo Wiil Dhalinyar ah oo Reer Hargeisa oo Wacdaro Ka Dhigey Barnaamij ...

Magaalada Hargaysa Oo Ay Ku Soo Badanayaan Meheradaha Wax Lagaga Iibsado...

Anigoo Waddada Maraaya ayay iga Dalbatay inaan Muslimiyo Alahu Akbar !!!

تريد أن يفتح لك الله كل باب أغلق أمامك ...!!؟

Sahra Adams waa Gabar Kenyaan ah oo Baadi Goobeysa Hooyadeed oo Soomaali ah

حقائق السحر والحسد وتلبس الشياطين بالإنس والوقاية والعلاج - محاظرة مميزة...

ست حصون يحميك الله بها من الجن والشياطين الشيخ سعد العتيق

Sahra Adams oo dib u heshey qoyskii hooyadeed

معجزات قيام الليل | لن تترك قيام الليل بعد مشاهدتك....الدكتور محمد راتب ...

القلب السليم من أروع محاضرات الشيخ سعد العتيق

الإعجاز العلمي في قيام الليل !! بطرد الداء من الجسد

معجزات قيام الليل كلام عجيب لازم تسمعع المقطع الى الاخير

معلومة خطيره تجعلك تصلى قيام الليل ولو كنت على فراش الموت !!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

قصة اغرب من الخيال يرويها الشيخ بدر المشاري - ستندهش من نهايتها

الوليد بن طلال بيفضح محمد بن سلمان ويكشف السر الحقيقى لاحتجازه بفندق الريتز


ليلة لا يؤذن فيها الفجر ... هل تعرف ما هي ؟

سر السعادة..!! اكتشف الحقيقة و اجعلها منهاجا لك في حياتك..!! الدكتور مح...

رسالة الى اهل الابتلاء - سترتاح بعد سماع هذا الكلام رووووووعة

كنز كبير في الصلاة ويغفل عنه الكثيرون - هدية من الله في صلاتك

قصص لأشخاص فرج الله عنهم والاسباب التي تفرج الهموم

اجمل كلام ممكن تسمعه عن الصبر خالد الراشد

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

اخرج نفسك من ظلمات اليأس والاحباط اقوى مقطع يعطيك التفاؤل في الحياة را...

علامة ان ظهرت فيك فإنها تدل على حب الله لك سبحان الله

رسالة الى هيئة الترفيه من الشعب السعودي المسلم والمحافظ لدينه وقيمه وعاداته

رجل يقود السيارة لمدة 30 عاما شاهد ماذا وجد داخلها عند فتحها..!!

رجل ظل يقود شاحنة تحمل 11 الف لتر من الماء والسبب هز الانترنت والعالم تق...

هذا ما فعلت السفاره السعودية فى إندونيسيا مع الطفلة هيفاء !

السفير السعودي بإندونيسيا يكشف تفاصيل قضية سلطان الحربي وابنته هيفاء

مالذي حصل مع السعوديين في بونشاك ؟ لماذا غضب السفير السعودي في اندونيسيا

أساليب البقاء الصحراء القاتلة

مالذي حصل مع السعوديين في بونشاك ؟ لماذا غضب السفير السعودي في اندونيسيا

إندونيسيا.. نهضة عملاق

إندونيسيا.. نهضة عملاق

Pro. Cabdi Ismacil Samatar Oo Caawa Meel Saaray Farmaajo iyo Khayre

كلمة حرة | الصومال | 2018-02-19

اسرار الاستعاذة وخفاياها التي نجهلها | د.عمر عبد الكافي

الاسلام هو القوة الوحيدة التي تستطيع مواجهة النظام الدولي ..!! الدكتور ا...

ترامب : كيف تحلب من السعودية 660 مليار دولار في 6 أشهر و محمد ابن سلمان...

Daawo, Maamulaha Shirkada Laydhka Ee Degmada Sheekh Oo ka Hadlay Ismaan...

We invited non-Muslims into Nairobi's Jamia Mosque and their reaction is...



After Reunion: Four siblings separated and abducted

World’s last male northern white rhino dies

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

رجب فضائل ولطائف

تبين العجب فى فضائل شهر رجب الشيخ د خالد المصلح

لكل من لديه امنية او حاجة ابشر إن الله لايعجزه شيئ - سبحان الله

بشرة سارة لكل من ينتظر الفرج وظن أن الأبواب ستظل مغلقة في وجهه

لاتقصص رؤياك | رسالة لكل من ينشر حياته على الانترنت

الحمض النووي لجماجم باراكاس يكشف شيئا غير متوقع

غطاء السعودية لا يكفي لإنجاز صفقة القرن

حارب مخاوفك,لا تخشي احد . أفضل محاضرات الدكتور صلاح الراشد

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Sirtii ugu waynayd oo lakashifay shirqoolka somaliya lala doonayo

ليه يحجب الله الدعاء عنا درس رائع لــ محمد متولي الشعراوي

هل تعلم | كيف تكون نهاية الظالمين | من اجمل محاضرات - الشيخ عمر عبد الكافي

اتق دعوة المظلوم ، فإنها ليس بينها وبين الله حجاب | مفاتيح السعاده

سورة فيها الشفاء السريع لمن يشكو من الهم والحزن والضيق والقلق والاكتئاب ...

ماذا أعمل إذا ظلمت؟ من أروع الخطب التي سمعت الشيخ عمر عبد الكافي

ان الله قادر ان يفرج همك في اي لحظة فلاتقنط من رحمة الله

الاتجاه المعاكس - هل تعدد الزوجات ضرورة؟ والضيفة تغادر الأستوديو على اله...

أخر النهار | لقاء خاص مع صاحبة دعوى تعدد الزوجات و مناقشة حول القضية

ماذا تحب المرأة في شخصية الرجل

فوائد الزوجة الثانية

إنّ الله يحبك ........ قصة تدمع لها العينين ...... يرويها الدكتور محمد ر...

كيف تجعل الخير يساق إليك سوقا- سبحان الله

Deg Deg Jawaari Oo Habaaray Kala Dul Dhacay Dadka Ka Shaqqyo Qilaafka um...

المعارض السعودى سلطان العبدلى يكشف تفاصيل هروبه من سجون محمد بن سلمان وو...

اذا اردت ان يزداد رزقك ويتحسن حالك؛ استمع الي هذا الفيديو للدكتور طارق س...

لا تكن صغيرا - ملخص كتاب : سحر التفكير بصورة أكبر

دعاء حسن : لصالح مشروعها النووى ..السودان ترفض تنازل مصرعن تيران وصنافير...

War, poverty and inequality: Is there any good news? | UpFront

���� Is the UK still racist? | UpFront

Rumors, mistrust hinder Brazil yellow fever vaccine campaign

Professor samatar, jawaari waa khiyaanoole beenlow ah oo anigowba i khi...

SIR CULUS:Wiil Qarxiyay sirta Ka Dambeesa Dagalka uu khayre ku qaaday Ja...

Subxanallah Qiso Xanuun badan Darawal Bajaajle oo Gabar u ka zineyste HI...

مناظرة الدكتور محمود شعبان والدكتور سيد القمنى

سيد قمني الاسلام دين انتهت صالحيته في هذا العصر

وثائقي الجزيرة السري عن الرئيس السادات معلومات مُسربة من CIA تُعرض لأ...

الشيخ كشك يروي ما حصل يوم اعدام سيد قطب

"لاول مره" شاهد كيف تم تعذيب سيد قطب .. ؟

الجزيرة تكشف تفاصيل خطيرة عن الاتفاقات السرية بين السعودية والحوثيين في ...

Daawo Barnaamij Lagu Soo Bandhigay Xasuuqii Dawladii Siyaad Barre U Gays...

محمد القدوسي يكشف سر اخفاء السيسي لاسم امه الحقيقي

مفاجئة والدة عبد الفتاح السيسي مغربية يهودية الأصل

من الصومال.. رسالة مهذبة إلى الإمارات وشرح لخطورة اتفاقية موانئ دبي مع إ...

لن تمسك نفسك من الضحك مع الشيوخ العرب لم تشاهدها من قبل

لكل من هو مبتلى وطال البلاء عليك بمشاهدة المقطع

This happened on our Earth!!! 4-6 February 2018

السيسى يعترف رسميا بان امه يهودية لاول مرة

الجزيرة تكشف اسم الامير السعودى الذى قتله محمد بن سلمان بنفسه بفندق الريتز

Dhacdo La Yaab Leh Oo Hargeysa Ka Dhacday+Wiil Naafo Ah Oo......

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Baltimore: 'This is what poverty in the US looks like' - BBC News

Gudoomiye Jawaari oo sheegay in xarunta golaha shacabka ay la wareegeen ...

Kenyan returnees from Somalia asked to surrender to authorities

السلحفاة القاتلة التي تهاجم أي شيء دون خوف !! فيديو صادم لا يصدق

Kaligii Taliyaha Jabuuti oo kaga Oohiyay sheekha ugu caansan dalkaasi Fa...

Daawo, Prof Cabdi Samatar oo Sheegay In Dawlada Somaliya Loo yaqaan ja...

Combating Yahoo-Yahoo,Other Crimes With Concert? Badmus Analyses Pt.1 |S...

Combating Yahoo-Yahoo,Other Crimes With Concert? Badmus Analyses Pt.2 |S...

Combating Yahoo-Yahoo,Other Crimes With Concert? Badmus Analyses Pt.3 |S...

Combating Yahoo-Yahoo,Other Crimes With Concert? Badmus Analyses Pt.3 |S...

Mom arrested after filming hate-filled tirade at mosque

Mom arrested after filming hate-filled tirade at mosque

شاهد بالفيديو | كشف حقيقة كذبة انتحار الأمير بندر بن خالد بن عبد العزيز ...

Suicide of Saudi Prince Bandar at London airport upon deportation

DEG DEG Sh Mustafa Oo si kulul Uga Hadlay Khilaafka Somaaliland iyo Soma...

DEG DEG : Xildhibaan Jeesow oo hada u jawaabay Gudoomiye Jawaari - Dalka...

DEG DEG Wariye Cagta Xaaji oo afka Furtay Khilaafka Jawari & Kheyre Ya G...

Kheyre oo Lacag hal milyan oo Dolar ku bixinaya Moshinka Jawaari

Kheyre oo Lacag hal milyan oo Dolar ku bixinaya Moshinka Jawaari


Thursday, March 15, 2018

Senetor Mahdi "Xeerkaan Somaliland ayuu sii fogeynayaa"

DEG DEG Faaiso Wadani oo Afka furatay - Farmaajo & Kheyre ayey fariin qa...

Dab Xoogan Oo Ka Kacay Agagaarka Kaydka Haamaha Shidaalka Berbera

Musuqmaasuqii Ugu Weynaa Oo loohaysto madaxda dawlada Somalia kana Qatay...

Madaxweyne Farmaajo Oo ka Hadlay Moo shinka gudoomiye Jawaari

DEG DEG| Ethiopia OO jawaabo Lama filaana U diray somalia -Dp world

Yuusuf C.Gaboobe " Fursaddii Aqoonsiga ayaa Hortaalla Somaliland"

Barnaamijka Xog Waran:- Yaa ka masuul ah in dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed la...

African migrants exploited in Italian farms

Modern-day slaves: Europe's fruit pickers

Romania - Rural Revival?

This Italian Village Was Dying … Until the Refugees Came | National Geog...

Rural France: Challenges and opportunities

How migrants and refugees are being welcomed in one tiny Italian village

Italy faces shortage of young farmers

Italy faces shortage of young farmers

Italy faces shortage of young farmers

Why Italian graduates are choosing life on the farm

Meet The Italian Entrepreneurs Giving New Life To Italy's Economy

Germany's "working poor"

Zhirinovski: 'I'll take the world to the brink of war' | DW English

Iiraan: Haweenay Xijaabka Tuurtay Oo Xukun Lagu Ridey

Shirkadda Has Petrolium Oo Bandhigtay Adeega Hass Gas

Shirkadda Dahabshiil Group Oo Soo Bandhigtay Adeegyo Cusub+Abaalmarino Q...

DEG DEG Madaxa Dp World Aya sheegay Inuu Aqoon Saneen Baarlamaanka sooma...

Madaxweyne Biixi Oo Imaraadka Carabta Socdaal ku Tegay

Ethiopia acquires 19% stake in DP World Berbera Port

Gulf News

Deal announced a week after Djibouti seizes Doraleh Container Port
Gulf News
Ethiopia has acquired a 19 per cent stake in the Port of Berbera in Somaliland following an agreement with DP World and the Somaliland Port Authority.
The agreement leaves DP World as the majority shareholder in the port, with 51 per cent. Somaliland will hold 30 per cent.
Under the deal, landlocked Ethiopia will invest in the port as a trade gateway.
The deal announcement comes a week after the government of Djibouti illegally seized the Doraleh Container Port, where DP World holds a 30-year concession. According to the World Bank, around 90 per cent of Ethiopia’s cargo currently travels through Djibouti.
Despite the seizure — which DP World is contesting through the London Court of International Arbitration — DP World Chairman and CEO Sultan Ahmad Bin Sulayem still referred to the port while commenting on the new deal.
In a statement on Thursday, Bin Sulayem said he was excited about the prospects of working with the Ethiopian government. “Ethiopia is home to approximately 110 million people. The ports of Berbera and Doraleh will provide significant capacity to the region. Both these ports and more capacity will be needed to serve the region’s growth potential in the future.”
He added: “The economies of the region are growing at a pace that needs the development of Berbera supplementing Djibouti and additional gateways in the future.”
Ethiopian Transport Minister Ahmad Shide said the deal had been a year in the making. “The agreement will help Ethiopia secure an additional logistical gateway for its ever increasing import and export trade driven by its growing population and economy,” he said.
“In addition, Ethiopian participation in the development of port of Berbera and the Berbera Corridor will help bring increased economic development and opportunity to the people of Somaliland. Ethiopia will continue to further invest in and develop the Djibouti corridor and further consolidate the use of existing ports in Djibouti. It will also look for other opportunities to develop additional ports and logistics corridors in the region.”
Dr Saad Al Shire, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation for the Republic of Somaliland, said: “This is a very important project that will address some of the problems facing Somaliland concerning employment and investment.
“It is a welcome development that will benefit the region as a whole. The economies of the region are growing at a pace that necessitates the development of multiple ports and outlets. The extension of the port will increase capacity of the region to accommodate the increase in trade.”

Xubno Ka Mida Naafadii SNM Oo Loo Qaybiyey Deeq Lacageed 2018


Ciidamada Sirdoonka Nisa Ayaa Hawlgal Ka Bilaabay Degaanada Galmudug

جائزة 20 ألف ريال لأفضل مطبل لصورة محمد بن سلمان، و وزير يمني يتصدر المط...

DEG DEG : Siyaasi soo afjaray Murankiii Somaliya iyo Somaliland ee shirk...

Senator Mustaf 'Xamar 1-sano baan joogaa Fikradaan qabay wax badan baa ...

Citizen Extra:Flooding, heavy traffic in Nairobi and parts of the Countr...

Several residential areas in Nairobi marooned as heavy rains continue po...

First baby drop-off box for unwanted newborns installed in Indiana

WOODBURN, Ind. (AP) — A Safe Haven Baby Box where mothers can drop off unwanted newborns anonymously with emergency help moments away is now available in northeastern Indiana.
The padded, climate-controlled container was dedicated Tuesday at the Woodburn Volunteer Fire Department about 15 miles east of Fort Wayne near the Ohio state line. It’s on an exterior wall of the fire station.
UPDATE: Newborn left in a controversial baby drop-off box
The Knights of Columbus of Indiana will pay for the first 100 baby boxes, which cost $1,500 to $2,000 each, said Monica Kelsey, a volunteer with the fire department who has been advocating for baby boxes in Indiana for several years.
A second one was dedicated Thursday in Michigan City.
The boxes are equipped with a security system that notifies emergency personnel when a baby is dropped off. Emergency responders can get to the child within minutes.
All 50 states and the District of Columbia have safe haven laws, which allow unharmed newborns to be surrendered without fear of prosecution. Indiana’s law allows mothers to drop off newborns at police stations, fire stations and hospitals.
Critics of baby boxes contend the containers make it easier to surrender a child without exploring other options and can deprive mothers of needed medical care.
Kelsey, however, said that some people want total anonymity. She spoke of a girl who called a hotline she volunteers for who wanted to know where a baby box was. The girl refused to go to a hospital or fire station to drop off the baby, but eventually, her boyfriend brought the baby to a hospital.
“This is not criminal,” Kelsey said. “This is legal. We don’t want to push women away.”
The Woodburn baby box was actually installed April 19, the anniversary of when Kelsey says her birth mother abandoned her at a hospital when she was just hours old.
State Rep. Casey Cox, R-Fort Wayne, has supported the concept of baby boxes in Indiana and has been working with lawmakers and Gov. Mike Pence’s administration on safety protocols.

43 Die of Heart Attacks and 13 Hospitalized After Watching “IT” Movie, Banned from Theaters


Crazy World

“It was like Freddy Kruger, Jason, & Michael Myers All Rolled into One Times a Thousand, I Never been so scared in my life I’m sleeping with the lights on f*ck that”
Said a visible shaken Jameel Mendoza after watching an advanced screening of Stephen Kings New Movie IT.
A packed theatre in Haddonfield, New York watched an advanced screening of IT and they had to cut the movie short after several people were so horrified they passed out and went into cardiac arrest.
“I don’t know what it is but that ain’t no clown, they definitely gave it the right name “IT” cuz a clown it’s not!” — Movie Goer
Scientist Frederick Bookman gave a statement saying:
Unfortunately, movies are not just entertainment, but a way to attack your consciousness. This movie could have triggered the brain by those images, they are powerful too, and their body had a natural response to terror. Fight or flight. And sadly it was flight. So please be careful when you looking for entertainment in movies like IT. And please dont take the your children, talking about ” we use to watch this when we was little”. Guard your consciousness folks.
We will update you as we get more info as there have been similar cases in several other theaters across the country and the movie has been banned.

Million Pounds Of Rat Meat Being Sold As Boneless Chicken Wings In U.S.


Crazy World

We have learned that United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is now very concerned that an estimated one million pounds of rat meat.
Which is being passed off as “boneless chicken wings,” has been sold in restaurants and grocery stores across America.
According to reports, FDA inspectors raised concerns after several illegal shipping containers originating from China were seized by customs at the Port of San Francisco.
It was found to contain rat meat that was meant to be shipped to different meat processing plants across America and resold as chicken.

Video Player

One report says that if hundreds of thousands of pounds of the illegal meat have been seized and are to be destroyed by authorities. The FDA warns an estimated 1,000,000 pounds of the counterfeit rat meat might still be in circulation.