Sunday, December 4, 2011

Junky spirits of Kabul: Afghanistan world's narco plague epicenter

Uploaded by on Sep 25, 2011
A US-based study has revealed even newborns in Afghanistan have morphine in their blood. Every year the production of opiates is growing, despite the billions of dollars spent by the international community to fight the country's narcotics machine. Heroin and opium are openly used even in the center of Kabul, while NATO says stopping all this is simply not its goal. I have to admit we thought Kabul would be rough, but what we witnessed there spread far beyond all expectations. With its combination of devastating living conditions, poor infrastructure and depressive atmosphere, Kabul made Benghazi feel like a tropical resort. They say back in the day Kabul was a beautiful, rich city with golden domes of mosques, green parks and alleys all around. But the next three decades of violence have surely left their scars. And if during the Soviet presence the city received new roads, schools, hospitals and apartment buildings, today, with the alliance, it seems Kabul is stuck in its own dimension.
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